


Project Results: Soils

The project resulted in improved mapping of soil characteristics (soil moisture and mineral composition) from space. These findings can help to develop a soil erosion monitoring procedure. The project helped to transform hand-painted vegetation and soil maps into a GIS and also allowed to improve and validate the existing material. An ecological evaluation of the state of the environment and soil resources was published in three volumes of �Baikal Lake Watershed Soils� (1999, 2000).

Dielectric permeability mixture increase with increasing clay fraction.

Dielectric permeability values for various types of soils were determined based on moisture content and frequency. With certain moisture content the real part of dielectric permeability is in direct proportion to the volume of sand fraction and inversely proportionate to clay content, and will also decrease with the increase of frequency rate.

Soils with minimal specific surface will have the least volume of bound water and more unbound water with the given moisture content and greater value of the imaginary part accordingly at the frequency of 8 GHz. Soils.
Soil Classes Bargusin
Bargusin Soil Classes

Selenga Soil Classes
Selenga Soil Classes
Copyright © by FSU Jena 2003-2004, Created by A. Kaspar